


Public Function log_lead_note(ByVal lead_objid As Long, _

                              ByVal the_text As String, _

                              ByVal iuo As String, _

                              ByVal log_date As String, _

                              ByVal user_name As String, _

                              ByVal gen_time_bombs As Boolean) As Integer




This API allows you to log a note for a lead. You must specify the objid of the lead (since no other information on the lead is unique), and the description (note text). You may also specify the internal use only text field. You may specify who logged the note, and when


The APIs can also generate a time bomb (for business rule notification).




Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

lead_objid                             Yes                         The unique object ID of the lead

the_text                                  No                           Note text

iuo                                          No                           Internal use only text for the note

log_date                                                No                           When was the note logged? If blank, current date/time used

user_name                             No                           Who logged the note? If blank, current user is used

gen_time_bombs                 Yes                         Should a time bomb be created? Values are "True" or "False".




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Cannot find the specified lead

-2                                             The specified user is not found

-3                                             The NOTES activity string is not found





·         Sam logged a note on December 12, 2000 (at 11AM) for a lead. The text is "Hello there", with some internal use only text as well. Generate time bombs.




var ret_int = fcsfa.log_lead_note(268435458, "Hello there",

                    "This customer is a pain", "12/12/2000 11:00:00",

                    "sam", true);




Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int As Integer


ret_int = fcsfa.log_lead_note(268435458, "Hello there", _

                    "This customer is a pain", "12/12/2000 11:00:00", _

                    "sam", True)




·         Log notes for the same lead. Only log text, and do it now for the current user. Don't generate a time bomb.





var ret_int = fcsfa.log_lead_note(268435458, "More text", "", "", "", false);


Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int As Integer


ret_int = fcsfa.log_lead_note(268435458, "More text", "", "", "", False)